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klangwirkstoff records
Klangwirkstoff can be understood as a catalyst in music theory and it
deals with the influence of deduced rhythms, resonances and frequencies
in nature.
Based on the natural law of octave identity, the (so called) process
of the occuring octave allows musicians to adjoin tone and tempo, analogous
to the octave, in each periodic cycle. This method can be applied for
example to the rotating orbit of the planets or to the molecular spectrum.
In Egypt the tradition of ancient, harmonic practise of music was used
in ritualised healing processes and meditation.
In their creative, music practice, the musicians B. Ashra, Tommelon,
Eru (aka Ricky Deadking) and Akasha Project are exploring the effects
of planetary and molecular tunings. Since the mid-90's, both as soloists
and as a group, they have been artistically active exploring sound and
releasing several works under the name Morphon, Brain Entertainment Laboratory
(B.E.L.) and Sphere-Ra.
The label Klangwirkstoff offers particular access to the experimentation
in contemporary harmonic music thus constituting a network for the tuning
of music which spans the micro- and macrocosm of audible possibilities.
mp3 on myspace.com |
Order: |
deutsch |
CD - 15,00 € | Double CD - 19,90 € (KW011/ KW002 each 23,00 €) | CDR - 12,00 € | Double CDR-18,00 € | Vinyl 26,00 €, Double Vinyl - 33,00 € | Vinyl album KW015V - 26,00 €
incl. tax + shipping, CD: 1,90 € for germany, 4,30 € worldwide, | Vinyl = 5,50 € in germany, worldwide 19:90 €
for order please write an e-mail with your adress and the catalog number (e.g.: KW001).
We send you an invoice incl. our account number or PayPal-adress.
We accept pre payment and PayPal. Support your label and order direct here.
e-mail to: order@klangwirkstoff.de |
klangwirkstoff records:
KW015: Oriom - Roots Of Deliverance (CD & Vinyl)
KW014: Oriom - Healing Source (CD & Vinyl)
KW013: The Sound Of CBD - V. A.
KW012: B. Ashra - Venus Meditation
KW011: Akasha Project - Spheres
KW010: B. Ashra - Music For Growing
KW009: Active Agent Of Sound II - Ambient Compilation 2CD
KW008: Akasha Project - Solar System
KW007: Cosmic Octave Orchestra - Gaiatron
KW006: Devas - A Vision Of Hydrogenium
KW005: Akasha Project - The Quantum Music of Hydrogen
KW004: B. Ashra - Om Meditation
KW003: Morphon - Om Mars Venus
KW002: Active Agent Of Sound - Klangwirkstoff Records Compilation 2CD
KW001: Brain Entertainment Laboratory - In Ovo
Digital Releases:
KWDIGI019 Oriom - Venus Valerian (B. Ashra Remix)
KWDIGI018 B. Ashra - Aurora
KWDIGI017 B. Ashra - Dark Moments
KWDIGI016 Sine Tones Of The Molecules
KWDIGI015 Sine Tones Of The Planets
KWDIGI014 B. Ashra - Solarium (Single Track)
KWDIGI013 Oriom - Venus VoidEP (incl. 3 Remixe)
KWDIGI012 Oriom - Mars Minaret EP (incl. 2 Remixe)
KWDIGI011 B. Ashra - Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction
KWDIGI010 B. Ashra - The Sound Of DMT (A sonic Ayahuasca journey)
KWDIGI009 B. Ashra - Live For Open Ear Ambient Festival 2020
KWDIGI008 B. Ashra - The Sound Of LSD (75 Years LSD)
KWDIGI007 B. Ashra - Venus Meditation (SuKhush Remix)
KWDIGI006 B. Ashra - Ticket To The Moon
KWDIGI005 B. Ashra & Eru - Earth Frequencies
KWDIGI004 Brain Entertainment Laboratory - The Sound Of THC
KWDIGI003 Michael Brückner - Naura
KWDIGI002: B. Ashra - Psychonautic DJ Mix Giger Museum 08
KWDIGI001: B. Ashra - LSD Sinus Session
SOLARIS - Planetenton-Steel Tongue Drum
| |
klangwirkstoff records:: releases |

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Oriom - Roots Of Deliverance
01 Sun Šamaš 07:54
02 Earth, Light & Waves 05:48
03 Chukwa 06:45
04 Moon Šahar 06:21
05 Venus Valerian 07:59
06 Mars Masala 05:46
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: Oriom
Titel: Roots Of Deliverance
Format: CD | Vinyl | Digital
Total playtime: : 40:37 min
Catalog#: KW015 | KW015V
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-22-00012-17
EAN/UPC: 4036067349307
Releasedate: 17.05.2022
Vinyl Releasedate: 11.10. 2022
Artwork: Rainer Hartmann
Artist homepage: Oriom
Mastered by Bert Olke (GL Audio)
Style:#DubTechno, #Overtone Singing, #Worldbeats
#CosmicOctave, #OrganicHouse, #electronicmusic,#SpaceDub

more infos, reviews, shop links etc.

more information, shops links etc.
Oriom - Healing Source
01 Mars Minaret 09:31
02 One With Everything 06:32
03 Venus Void 10:43
04 One Day In Eternity 14:10
05 Slom Ocean 28:07
06 Son Of The Sun 07:54
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: Oriom
Titel: Healing Source
Format: CD | Vinyl | Digital
Total playtime: 77:02 min
Catalog#: KW014 | KW014V
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-21-00001-06
EAN/UPC: 4036067348546
Releasedate: 23.04.2021
Artwork: Rainer Hartmann
Artist homepage: Oriom
Mastered by Rainer Hartmann
Vinylmastering by: Bert Olke (GL Audio)
Style: #SpaceDub, #Trip-Hop, #Overtone Singing,
#Ambient, #CosmicOctave, #electronicmusic
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The Sound Of CBD
01. Planetary Cymatic Resonance - Caban 324 15:23 min 02. B. Ashra - Cannabidiol 20:08 min
03. Motom - Pleiotropic CBD 19:26 min
04. Akasha Project - Come Breathing Down 17:05 min
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artists: Planetary Cymatic Resonance, Motom, Akasha Project, B. Ashra
Titel: The Sound Of CBD
Format: CD / Digital
Total playtime: 72:02 min
Katalog#: KW013
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-0700446-49
EAN/UPC: 4036067346580
Releasedate: 21.06.2019
Artwork: Ilona Kowalschek
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: #Molekuel Vertonung, #Ambient, Meditation, #Electronic Space Music, #Cosmic Octave, #Hemisphaeren Synchronisationen, #Binaurale Beats
more infos about The Sound Of CBD

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prelisten and download:
B. Ashra – Venus Meditation
1. Venus Meditation – 62:00 min.
Venus tuning: A | + 9,64 Cent | 221,23 Hz (110,61 Hz)| 103,7 bpm | colour: yellow-orange
Artist: B. Ashra
Title: Venus Meditation
Format: CD/ Digital
Total playtime: 62.00 min
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Catalog#: KW012
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-0700387
Releasedate: 16.09.2016
EAN: 4036067329675
Distribution: www.silenzio.de
Artwork: Ilona Kowalschek
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
CD direct order by mail
Style: Ambient, Electronic Music, Meditation, Cosmic Octave, Chill Out, Deep Meditation, Electronica, Ritual Music

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prelisten and download:
Akasha Project - Spheres
Artist: Akasha Project
Title: Spheres
Format: 2CD - Digipak/ Digital
Total playtime: 133.19 min
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Catalog#: KW011
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DEHE10700354-71
Releasedate: 08.05.2016
EAN: 4036067328555
Distribution: www.silenzio.de
Artwork: Jakob Klug
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
CD direct order by mail
Style: Ambient, Electronic Music, Meditation, Cosmic Octave
01.Entrance - Mercury 06:14
02.Home - Earth 07:02
03.Big Cycle - Uranus 06:39
04.Mellow Breeze - Venus 10:23
05.The Sea - Neptune 07:14
06.Shadow Man - Saturn 04:31
07.Gyro Wood - Platonic Year 07:22
08.The Duke - Jupiter 05:15
09.Dawning - Uranus 04:33
10.New Horizons - Pluto 07:22
01.Black Market - Delta-9 THC 06:45
02.Behind The Mirror - LSD 25 07:20
03.Heavy Metal - Gold 07:46
04.Crystalline - Silicon 10:40
05.Heart Field - MDMA 08:54
06.At The Very Beginning - Hydrogen 13:27
07.Golden Lift - DMT 10:25
08.Exit - Platonic Year 01:06

more informations
prelisten and download:
bandcamp |
B. Ashra - Music For Growing
Titel: Music For Growing
Artist: B. Ashra
Format: CD / Digital
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Catalog#: KW010
Label Code: 16011
ISRC: DEHE10700235
Total playtime: 73:59 min.
Releasedate: 15.10.2014
EAN: 4036067323796
Distribution D|CH|AUS: Silenzio
Cover: Ilona Kowalschek
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
CD order by mail please click
Style: Ambient, Cosmic Octave, Binaural Beats,
Electronica, Chill Out, Music for Plants, Meditation
Release Party: 30.08.2014 @ CannaTrade Zürich Switzerland
» more information, detailed tracklist,
reviews and shops at our extra-page. |
exclusive: order direct here by mail, go to our shop (extren link) or at bandcamp as flac or mp3 |
+++ |

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prelisten and download:
Active Agent Of Sound II - Ambient Compilation 2CD
Format: 2CD / Digital
Titel: Active Agent Of Sound II
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Catalog#: KW009
LC: 16011
total playtime: 143.17 min
Releasedate: 26.11.2013
ISRC: DEHE10700258-77
EAN: 4036067319430
distribution: www.silenzio.de
mp3 download: mp3 shop order direct here by mail
mastered by Tom Wölke & Bert Olke: mastering@gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Electronic Music, Cosmic Octave, binaural beats
01. Devas + Somnambule – Svadhisthana
02. Acid On! - Revolutionary Aims
03. Michael Brückner – Rauka (Wild Mix)
04. Morphon – Venus 08
05. Motom – Ludiran
06. Tohil Mons - Holiday on Mars
07. Anne Clark + Steve Schroyder – Virtuality
08. Spiralectric - Psylowsine
09. B.Ashra – Uranus
10. Rainer Von Vielen - Eins mit All
11. Chris Zippel – Shikasta
01. Thomas D + Brain Entertainment Laboratory - Lektionen In Demut + LSD
02. Sonical – Cosmic Rhythm
03. Akasha Project - Crystal Birth
04. Star Sounds Orchestra – Return of the Venuspassage Phase 1 – Tangens
05. Cosmic Octave Orchestra feat. AlienVoices – Gaiatron
06. Inner Vision – Erdenjahr
07. Aus.Gleich - Hohlraumresonator
08. Christian Fiesel - Sonnensystem III
09. Toshra – Sahasrara
» more information, detailed tracklist,
reviews and shops at our extra-page. |
exclusive: order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |

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prelisten and download:
Akasha Project - Solar System
Format: CD / Digital
Titel: Solar System
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Catalog#: KW008
LC: 16011
Total Playtime: 76.40 min
Releasedate: 12.02.2012
EAN: 4036067312738
Distribution: www.silenzio.de Distribution world: Ultimae
mp3 download: mp3 shop
order direct here by mail
Mastered by Bert Olke: mastering@gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Electronic Music, Meditation, Cosmic Octave
01. Earth - 136,10 Hz - 08:15 min
02. Moon - 210,42 Hz - 10:45 min
03. Mercury - 141,27 Hz - 12:01 min
04. Venus - 221,23 Hz - 12:04 min
05. Jupiter - 183,58 Hz - 11:06 min
06. Saturn - 47,85 Hz - 15:41 min
07. Pluto - 140,25 Hz - 06:48 min
total playtime: 76:40 min |
» more information, detailed tracklist,
reviews and shops at our extra-page. |
link to press release site with photo downloads and infos, please write a mail with subject: "press" to: label@klangwirkstoff.de |
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |

more information
prelisten and download:
Cosmic Octave Orchestra - Gaiatron live at Ricochet Gathering
Format: CD
Titel: Gaiatron live at Ricochet Gathering
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Katalog#: KW007
LC: 16011
Gesamtspielzeit: 68.00 min
Releasedate: 17.10.2011
EAN: 4 036067 311717
Vertrieb: www.silenzio.de mp3 download here: mp3 shop COO at facebook
01. Gaiatron (Tropical Year/Om | Cis | 136,10 Hz | 127,6 bpm | -31,38 cent) - 29:58 min
02. Cassinidrive (Saturn | D | 147,85 Hz | 138,6 bpm | +11,9 cent) - 37:58 min
total: 68:00 min
Cosmic Octave Orchestra are: Steve Schroyder, Akasha Project und B. Ashra
Record Release Party 30.09.2011 in Berlin please go to "news" |
» more information, detailed tracklist,
reviews and shops at our extra-page. |
link to press release site with photo downloads and infos, please write a mail with subject: "press" to: label@klangwirkstoff.de |
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |

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prelisten and download:
A Vision Of Hydrogenium
Klangwirkstoff Records KW006
total playtime:50:17 min
Releasedate: 15.11.2010
LC: 16011
EAN: 4 036067 308564
Artwork by Marc Olke
distribution: silenzio
website: www.myspace.com/devaskiel
Mastered by Bert Olke: mastering@gl-audio.de
On their debut album A Vision Of Hydrogenium Devas presents a molecule scoring based to the series of the hydrogen atom, calculated by Johann Jakob Balmer. At this the spectral data was calculated and transposed into the human hearing ranged by Hans Cousto. |
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» more information, detailed tracklist,
reviews and shops at our extra-page.
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Akasha Project
H2 - The Quantum music of hydrogen
Der Klang der Wasserstoffatome
Klangwirkstoff Records KW005
total playtime:77,14 min
Releasedate: 01.02.2010
LC: 16011
EAN: 4 036067 305327
Artwork by Ilona Kowalschek
Vertrieb: silenzio
Bandwebsite: akashaproject.de / www.myspace.com/akashaproject
Booking: booking@klangwirkstoff.de
Mastered by Bert Olke: mastering@gl-audio.de
^ |
» press-page (new window) |
» more information, detailed tracklist,
reviews and shops at our extra-page.
| |
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |

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prelisten and download:
B. Ashra - Om Meditation
Klangwirkstoff Records KW004
total playtime:62,00 min
Releasedate: 03.08.2009
LC: 16011
EAN: 4 036067 302418
Artwork by Ilona Kowalschek
Vertrieb: silenzio
The idea behind his newest CD, Om Meditation, is to act as an aid for meditative and therapeutical exercises. It is an invitation to relax and harmonize with one's surroundings. Through minimalistic modulations the sound changes gradually --- the amount of tones has been consciously reduced in order to open up the listener's world for personal experiences. (Thus this production focuses on supporting meditations or spiritual exercises, rather than being a distraction).
'Om', which is an exact overtone of the tropical earth year (earth's orbit around the sun), is the root tone of a large part of classical Indian music. It is a C-sharp with -31.38 cent and has a frequency of 136.10 Hertz. The CD running time of 62 minutes also coincides with the cycle of many meditations.
B. Ashra has been a successful and well-known tone sculptor and sound alchemist for many years. Along with his Ambient Solo Project (called B. Ashra) he works with many groups including 'Brain Entertainment Laboratory', 'Morphon', 'Toshra' and 'Psychotikum'. He uses the name Robert Templa for his solo techno project. Apart from his many varied music projects he does professional mastering and runs the label Klangwirkstoff Records with his friend Tom Woelke. |
^ |
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MORPHON - Om Mars Venus
CD Digipak
Klangwirkstoff Records KW003
total playtime:76,10 min
Releasedate: 02.10.2008
LC: 16011
EAN: 4 036067 300 896
Distribution : silenzio
Now after the first release of Morphon at the compilation „active
agent of sound“ kw002 at the end of 2007, they presents their first
Longplay: OM Mars Venus
This CD contains spherical electronic ambientmusic with a philosophic
With their project, Morphon, Eru (electronics and guitar), Tommelon (electronics
and guitar), and B. Ashra (electronics) are exploring artistically the
mental and physical effects of natural vibrations and rhythms (for example,
planetary cycles).
1. Om 31:48 min.
2. Mars 21:30 min.
3.Venus 22:47 min. |
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» more information, tracklist, booklet-text,
pictures of the release party and shops at our extra-page.
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order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |

more information
prelisten and download:
Klangwirkstoff Compilation - 'active
agent of sound'
Ambient Doppel CD incl. 8 seitigem Booklet im Digi Pak
Double CD Digipak
Klangwirkstoff Records KW002
total playtime:155,03 min
Releasedate: 22.10.2007
LC: 16011
EAN: 4 260087 730276
Distribution : silenzio
With this ambient double CD, Klangwirkstoff brings together widely varied
international music projects, all of which are working with a harmonical
The planet tones on this CDs are acoustical exponents from our natural
cosmic surroundings and our focus on them brings us into harmony with
the way of things.
Music tuned to molecules, like planetary music, is composed in accordance
with strict harmonical rules and is based on existing harmonic structures
and the natural laws which govern the 'cosmic octave'. |
^ |
Tracklist |
CD I |
01 Toshra — 'Venera'
08:15 |
02 Mirror System — 'Flex-e-fun'
07:25 |
03 Motom — 'Aum'
09:18 |
04 Brain Entertainment Laboratory —
13:00 |
05 EPiOS — 'Center of the sun'
05:17 |
06 Orbital Dolphins — 'Resonanzzwinger'
03:35 |
07 B. Ashra — 'Plutosphere'
10:09 |
08 Devas — 'Satyrn'
08:43 |
09 Susan Alexjander — 'Tal'
02:05 |
10 Toshra meets Rainer von Vielen —
'Voices of Venus'
07:58 |
total playing time |
75:56 |
01 Lutz Berger feat. Claus Boysen —
05:57 |
02 True Frequencies — 'Paradize
08:18 |
03 Sci-Rom — 'Spektralschleuse'
07:52 |
04 Morphon — 'Chronos'
12:29 |
05 Star Sounds Orchestra — 'Venuspassage'
06:23 |
06 Coil presents Time Machines —
13:16 |
07 Akasha Project — 'Balmer Series'
06:08 |
08 Michael Reimann — 'Schamanic'
02:40 |
09 Ruben — 'Earth Flow'
06:57 |
10 Brain Entertainment Laboratory —
03:07 |
11 Rainer von Vielen — 'Ajna Neomi'
05:48 |
total playing time |
79:07 |
4 Tracks on myspace |
» more information, detailed tracklist,
reviews and shops at our extra-page.
| |
» press-page (new
window) |
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |
prelisten and download:
Klangwirkstoff Records KW 001 CDR + Digital Release
Online Release of Brain Entertainment Laboratory 'In Ovo – live
at Fusion Festival 2005'
After the first CD/LP Release of Brain Entertainment Laboratory 'The
Sound of THC', which was the world's first cd/vinyl release of a scientific
calculated thc-scoring, now B.E.L. comes with their second release:
Brain Entertainment Laboratory - In Ovo - live at Fusion Festival 2005
The basic principles of this musical scoring bases upon Hans Coustos
calculations, who found the octave-analogue frequencies related to the
6 mainspectra (main resonances) of the THC Delta 9 molecule.
The spectral analysis is the admitted scientific method to classify molecules
and to calculate their resonances. This active agent of sound (Klangwirkstoff)
is a homeopathic-acting media.
As usual B.E.L. transfer this calculations into a Live-Ambient-Dub session
going from electronic to bizarre.
With that first Online Release the Label Klangwirkstoff from Berlin showcase
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link)
from junodownload.com
Medley @ Soundcloud
^ |
^ |
Klangwirkstoff Records Digital Releases: |
cover for print
bandcamp(Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)
Oriom - Venus Valerian (B. Ashra Remix)
tuning: venus | 103,7 bpm | A | 141,27 Hertz | a1=442,5Hz | 440Hz +9,6cent
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: Oriom (B. Ashra Remix)
Titel: Venus Valerian
Format: Single-Digital
Total playtime: 6.43 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI019
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-24-00037
UPC: 3617666796825
Releasedate: 13.12.2024
Artwork: Rainer Hartmann
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: #OrganicHouse #Downbeat #OvertoneSinging #CosmicOctave #Trance |
^ |

cover for print
bandcamp(Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)
B. Ashra - Aurora
Live at Open Ear Ambient Festival 2023
Space Ambient | Drones | Chill Out | Acid Downbeats | Experimental | Industrial | Illbient | Electronic Music
01 Lichtenberg
(THC 4 Spectrum | C | 257,39 Hz | 120,65 bpm | -28,25 cent | 432,88 Hz)
02 Satellites
(THC 4 Spectrum | C | 257,39 Hz | 120,65 bpm | -28,25 cent | 432,88 Hz)
03 Green Dose
(THC 4 Spectrum | C | 257,39 Hz | 120,65 bpm | -28,25 cent | 432,88 Hz)
04 Softmachine
(Neptun | Gis | 211,44 Hz | 99,1 bpm | +31,3 cent | 448,02 Hz)
05 Moon Boots
(Moon Saros-Period | H | 241,56 Hz | 113,2 bpm | -38,2 cent | 430,41 Hz)
06 Tycho
(Moon Saros-Period | H | 241,56 Hz | 113,2 bpm | -38,2 cent | 430,41 Hz)
07 Earwahn
440 Hz
08 Ayahuasca Icaros
(DMT 8 Spectrum | C | 255,43 Hz | 119,7 bpm | -41,51 cent | 429,58 Hz)
09 Chorielle
440 Hz
10 Spooled
(Neptun | Gis | 211,44 Hz | 99,1 bpm | +31,3 cent | 448,02 Hz)
11 Slurp
440 Hz
12 Secret Domain
440 Hz
13 Pigments
(Earth tropical year | Cis | 136,1 Hz | 127,6 bpm | -31,4 cent | 432,1 Hz)
14 Red Spot
(Jupiter | Fis | 183,58 Hz | 86,1 bpm | -13,3 cent | 433,67 Hz)
15 Aurora
440 Hz
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: B. Ashra
Titel: Aurora (Live at Open Ear Festival 2023)
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 109.46 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI018
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-23-00015-29
UPC: 9705053474112
Releasedate: 01.12.2023
Artwork: Bert Olke
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Space Ambient | Chill Out | Drones |
Acid Downbeats | Experimental | Industrial | Illbient

cover for print
bandcamp (Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)
B. Ashra - Dark Moments
Drones | Dark Ambient | Deep Meditation | Space Ambient | Ritual Dark Ambient
01 Dark Nature 9:31
440 Hz
02 Moon Shadow 05:01
Moon Apse Circulation| H | 246.04 Hz | 115.3 bpm | -6.3 cent
03 Mercury Drone 08:24
Mercury | Cis | 141.27 Hz | 66.2 bpm | + 33.2 cent
04 Deep Craving 15:33
tropical earth year| Cis | 136.1 Hz | 127.5 bpm | -31.4 cent
05 Indian Summer 12:06
440 Hz
06 Nep Tune 08:19
Neptune | Gis | 211.44 Hz | 99.1 bpm | + 31.3 cent
07 Ornament 07:12
440 Hz
Streaming link: bfan.link/dark-moments
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: B. Ashra
Titel: Dark Moments
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 66.06 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI017
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-23-00008-14
UPC: 3617228694330
Releasedate: 02.11.2023
Artwork: Bert Olke
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Drones, Dark Ambient, Deep Meditation, Space Ambient
Reference Tunings - Sine Tones Of The Planets
Format: Digital
Titel: Reference Tunings
Subtitel: Sine Tones Of The Planets
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Katalog#: KWDIGI015
Label Code: 16011
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Releasedate: 18.01.2022
The reference tones are intended to enable musicians to tune their instruments to a wide variety of natural events such as planetary orbits or molecules according to the principle of the "Cosmic Octave".
The album Reference Tunings - Sine Tones Of Planets is exclusiv available at bandcamp. The download of the album also contains detailed tuning data pdfs that were provided by Fritz Dobretzberger (Planetware) according to calculations by Hans Cousto. Many thanks for that.
Since mp3s can produce slight overtone shifts, we recommend downloading them as .wav or .flac files. ... pay what you want
bandcamp (Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)

B. Ashra - Solarium (Single)
01 Solarium 8:23 min.
Sun tuning | A 449,80 Hz - 38,2 Cent (-100/+100 cent) | 118,2 bpm | 126,22 Hz | yellow-green
Style: Space Ambient, Downbeats, Electronic Music
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: B. Ashra
Title: Solarium
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 8.23 min
Catalog#: KWDIGI014
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-21-00039
UPC: 3616558181114
Releasedate: 19.08.2021
Artwork: Bert Olke
B. Ashra Sign: Jens Schlathoelter
sun picture: NASA/GSFC/SDO
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Space Ambient, Downbeats, Electronic Music
bandcamp (Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)

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more informationen
Oriom - Venus Void EP
01 Oriom - Venus Void (Original) 10:48
02 Oriom - Venus Void (Umberto Echo Remix) 07:53
03 Oriom - Venus Void (Sapana Remix) 07:35
04 Oriom - Venus Void (70db* Live Version) 11:23
05 Oriom - Venus Void (Dr. Walker Alentejo Acidbreaks Remix) 04:21
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artists: Oriom, Dr. Walker, Umberto Echo, Sapana, 70db*
Titel: Venus Void
Format: Digital
Catalog#: KWDIGI013
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-21-00011-15
EAN/UPC: 3616554708421
Releasedate: 04.2021
Artwork: Rainer Hartmann
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: #SpaceDub, #DubTechno, #OvertoneSinging,
#Dub, #Ambient, #CosmicOctave, #electronicmusic
* 70db are: Rainer Von Vielen, Wolfram Spyra, Steve Schroyder, Udo P. Leis and B. Ashra
bandcamp (Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)

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Oriom - Mars Minaret EP
01 Oriom - Mars Minaret (Original) 09:33
02 Oriom - Mars Minaret (Chris Dubflow Remix) 06:44
03 Oriom - Mars Minaret (B. Ashra Remix) 06:45
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artists: Oriom, Chris Dubflow, B. Ashra
Titel: Mars Minaret
Format: Digital
Catalog#: KWDIGI012
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-21-00007-9
EAN/UPC: 3616554031468
Releasedate: 26.03.2021
Artwork: Rainer Hartmann
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: #SpaceDub, #OvertoneSinging, Dub
#Ambient, #CosmicOctave, #electronicmusic
bandcamp (Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)

B. Ashra - Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction
01 Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction Meditation 20:14
02 Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction Beat Version 16:51
A 440 Hz - 5,5 Cent (-100/+100 cent) | 102,8 bpm
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: B. Ashra
Titel: Jupiter - Saturn Conjunction
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 20.14 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI011
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-20-00023-24 UPC: 3616553829356
Releasedate: 19.12.2020
Artwork: Bert Olke
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Meditation, Drones, Electronic Music, Trance, Space Music
bandcamp (Klangwirkstoff Records download shop)
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B. Ashra – The Sound Of DMT (KWDIGI010)
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: B. Ashra
Titel: The Sound Of DMT / A Sonic Ayahuasca Journey
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 62.20 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI010
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-2000015-21
Releasedate: 26.11.2020
Artwork: Paulo Jales
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Drones, Cosmic Octave, Ritual Music, Ethno, Electronic Music, Binaural Beats
B. Ashra – The Sound Of DMT - A Sonic Ayahuasca Journey
N,N-Dimethyltryptamin 14:47
02 Yagé 07:01
03 Shipibo 11:10
04 Magical Forest 14:50
05 Ayahuasca Icaros 08:16
06 Un Medio 06:15
Bonus Track: The Sound Of DMT - Complete Mix (62.20 min)
Special thanks to: Kajuyali Tsamani, Hans Cousto and Markus Berger for inspiration, Paulo Jales for the wonderful cover picture and Fong Ponto for the flute in track 4. |

bandcamp (download)

Video by: Trig Fardust
youtube |
B. Ashra – Live for Open Ear Festival 2020 (KWDIGI009)
Artists: B. Ashra
Titel: Live for Open Ear Ambient Festival 2020
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 79:11 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI009
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-20-00001
Releasedate: 20.06.2020
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Electronica, Electronic Space Music, Downbeats, Cosmic Octave
B. Ashra - Live for Open Ear Ambient Festival 2020 - 01:19:07 (one file)
01 LSD Pulse 00:00 (04:42)
02 Satellite 04:44 (07:11)
03 Blue Amplitude 11:55 (03:34)
04 Venus Meditation 15:29 (07:51)
05 Emu In Meckpomm 23:20 (06:15)
06 Deep Graving 29:35 (14:05)
07 Devils Mountain 43:40 (03:20)
08 Black Fairy 47:00 (08:08)
09 Free Fall Upwards 55:08 (03:35)
10 Trip 58:43 (08:18)
11 Om Meditation 01:07:02 (05:30)
12 Rosetta Is Calling 01:12:33 (06:38)

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B. Ashra – The Sound Of LSD (75 Years of LSD)
Artist: B. Ashra
Titel: The Sound Of LSD / 75 Years LSD
Format: Digital / USB Stick (Video by Trig Fardust + 24bit Audio Version)
Total playtime: 72.26 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI008
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-0700431-39
EAN/UPC: 9705053416624
Releasedate: 19.04.2019
Artwork: Trig Fardust
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Electronica, Electronic Space Music, Downbeats, Dub Techno, Cosmic Octave
The multimedia show "The Sound Of LSD" is an LSD molecular dubbing by B. Ashra. Trig Fardust created the visual part. The show was performed live at the festival "75 Years LSD Anniversary" 2018 in Basel. From the audio-visual live performance, this album and a 60-minute video was created. Exactly 1 year later, on 19.04.2019, the Bicycle Day, this setting is now published.
USB Stick preorder please by email inclusive. your invoice address: order(at)klangwirkstoff.de with subject "video". USB Stick incl. Video by Trig Fardust and exclusiv Album "The Sound Of LSD" ls 24 bit version and cost 29.90 Euro + shipping.
.. or also as download file for 19.90 Euro, please order by email inclusive. your invoice address to: order(at)klangwirkstoff.de
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B. Ashra – Venus Meditation (SuKhush Remix)
Artist: B. Ashra & Sukush, Flute by Rachel Sacks
Title: Venus Meditation
Tuning: Venus tuning: A | + 9,64 Cent | 221,23 Hz (110,61 Hz)| 103,7 bpm
Total playtime: 62.00 min
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Catalog#: KW0DIGI007
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-0700430
Releasedate: 22.08.2018
Artwork: Ilona Kowalschek
Mixed and Mastered by Vish Kalra and Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: #Psybient, #Psychill, #Ambient, #Flute, #Electronic Music, #Meditation, #Cosmic Octave, #Chill Out, #Deep Meditation, #Electronica, #Ritual Music, #Healing Music
This first collaboration between B. Ashra (Bert Olke - Klangswirkstoff Records/GL Audio and Mastering) and SuKhush (Rachel Sacks and Vish Kalra) is a deeply considered remix of B. Ashra’s original 62-minute Venus Meditation. 2018 is the year of Venus -- a time of forgiveness, love, and completion – which presented the perfect opportunity to re-imagine the original ambient work, integrating melody lines of organic sound from the flute.
The original soundscape is tuned to the cosmic octave, specifically to the planetary frequencies of Venus ( A | + 9,64 Cent | 221,23 Hz (110,61 Hz)| 103,7 bpm | colour: yellow-orange ). Further, with a nod to the dolphin imagery often used to depict Venus as the Roman goddess of love, the original composition also includes dolphin songs, recorded in the Atlantic Ocean near La Gomera (Canary Islands).
The Western concert flute remains on its original tuning. The flute was recorded in one continuous session, with effects added in the remix to facilitate integration of the organic sound into the track.
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also available:
iTunes, etc.
download presskit: cover and onesheets
B. Ashra – Ticket To The Moon
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: B. Ashra
Titel: Ticket To The Moon
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 138.28 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI006
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-0700414-27
Releasedate: 21.06.2018
Artwork: Bert Olke
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Electronica, Techno, Electronic Space Music, Downbeats, Cosmic Octave
Live Recording at Odyssee 2008 - Tacheles Berlin
01 Dreamfish 24:47 min.
02 Moonrise - (Moon Saros Period 113.23 bpm) 08:35
03 Moon Desert - (Sideric Moon 106,6 bpm) 07:52
04 Try To Understand 10:07
05 White Sand 13:12
06 Tikal Delay (Sideric Moon 106,6 bpm) 09:27
01 Drop Out - (Moon Knot 109,76 bpm) 12:06
02 Spunk 09:28
03 Edward 10:06
04 Orbital 07:05
05 Ticket To The Moon 06:14
06 Mystic Steel (Moon Apsidis Rotation 115.33 bpm) 06:28
07 Siren Melody (Moon Metonic Cycle 107,4 bpm) 04:44
08 Plutosphere (Pluto 131,48 bpm) 08:16
Total playtime: 138.28 min

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B. Ashra & Eru – Earth Frequencies
1. Earth Frequencies – 42:52 min.
Om/Tropisches Erdenjahr:
Cis | 136,10 Hz | 127,60 bpm | -31,38 cent
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Artist: B. Ashra & Eru
Titel: Earth Frequencies
Format: Digital
Total playtime: 42.52 min
Katalog#: KWDIGI005
Labelcode: 16011
ISRC: DE-HE1-0700405
Releasedate: 24.11.2017
Artwork: Bert Olke
Mastered by Bert Olke: www.gl-audio.de
Style: Ambient, Electronic Space Music, Cosmic Octave, Organic Industrial Ambient, Electronica, Ritual Music, Experimental
B. Ashra & Eru plays live at: 4th International Performance Art Weekend - 136.10 Hertz | 28th May 2017 at Luisa Catucci Gallery Berlin
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Brain Entertainment Laboratory - The Sound Of THC
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Format: Digital Release
Artist: Brain Entertainment Laboratory
Title: The Sound Of THC
Catalogue #: KWDIGI004
Vö: 15.09.2014
CD (ausverkauft) Vö: 15.11.2001
ISRC: DEHE10700309-21
Total Playtime: 74:25 min.
Digital Vertrieb: Believe Digital
Cover by Taifun Design
The Sound of THC
Hans Cousto has based the sound of THC on the exact calculations and is a conceptual recording tuned to the spectral maxima of the Delta 9 THC molecule. They are homeopathic essences of frequencies, which are supposed to release the known psychotropic effect of THC through the sense of hearing. This is the sound and rhythm of pure vibrations of the cannabis plant itself, integrated into a sound collage, which is created with ambient, dub and spherical guitar playing. A very different Klangwirkstoff, which invites the listener to an invigorating journey of self-discovery.
The sound of THC is a soundtrack for the ambitious smoker and with conscious use can become therapeutic in its effect on body and mind.
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Michael Brückner - Naura
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Format: Digital Release Artist: Michael Brückner
Title: Naura
Catalogue #: KWDIGI003
Release date: 26.11. 2013
ISRC: DEHE10700237-40
Total Playtime: 54:15 min.
Digital distribution: Believe Digital
Cover by Kevin O'Neill
1. Rinkula 10:26 min.
2. Rauka - Wild Mix 17:39 min.
3. Rauros - A Drone 8:36 min.
4. Rauka - Disciplined Mix 17:35 min.
total 54:15 min.

prelisten and download:
B Ashra - Psychonautic DJ Mix Giger Museum 08
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Format: Digital Release
Titel: Psychonautic DJ Mix Giger Museum 08
Catalogue #: KWDIGI002
Release date: Jan 5, 2012
ISRC: DE-HE1-07-00111
available exclusiv at Klangwirkstoff Records MP3 Shop
Total Playtime: 31 min.
This especially psychonautic DJ Set was live created for an exhibition and event in honorary to Dr. Albert Hofmann at the Giger Museum Switzerland - 19.10.2008. Contributor: Stanislav Grof, Nana Nauwald, Hans Ruedi Giger, Trigger.ch und B. Ashra.
01. Morphon - Venus 08
02. Brain Entertainment Laboratory - Solardrifting
03. Brain Entertainment Laboratory -LSD
04. Morphon - Trip
05. B. Ashra - Om Meditation
Caution! This music contains hemisphere synchronisations (hemi sync), these can activate epileptic seizure if you're an epileptic.

prelisten and download:
B. Ashra - LSD Tuning (pure sinus session)
Label: Klangwirkstoff Records
Format: Digital Release
catalogue #: KWDIGI001
Release date: Okt 5, 2011
ISRC: DEHE10700102
available exclusiv at Klangwirkstoff Records MP3 Shop
Total Playtime: 11.41 min.
This sinus waves and hemisphere synchronisation are based by the calculations of spectral analysis: http://www.planetware.de/tune_in/lsd.html
Caution! This music contains hemisphere synchronisations (hemi sync), these can activate epileptic seizure if you're an epileptic.
SOLARIS - Planetary Tones - Steel Tongue Drum
preorder please to: solaris@klangwirkstoff.de
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separated beats
Separated Beats is a sublabel of Klangwirkstoff Records
At Klangwirkstoff Records we release functional music based on: cosmic octave, hemisyncs, binaural beats, planet tones and molecule dubbing.
'Separated Beats' is for all other kinds of good music like:
Ambient | Industrial | Dark Ambient | Tribal | Jazz | Electronic Music
Labelsite of Separated Beats:
prelisten and downloads at bandcamp |
separated beats:: releases |
SBKW001: Orange - Hu
SBKW002: Orange - Ta Tha Ta
SBKW003: Dao Khan
SBKW004: B. Ashra - Monks
SBKW005: Orange - Oya
SBKWDIGI001: B. Ashra & Ricky Deadking
SBKWDIGI002: Curious Egg - Curious Eggs
SBKWDIGI003: A Certain Value - Dialectic Mind
SBKWDIGI004 Tobi Morare - Viper Room EP
SBKWDIGI005 Tobi Morare - On It!
SBKWDIGI006 Tobi Morare - Don't Work
SBDark001: Psychotikum - Sadhu SBDark003: Psychotikum & Somnambule - Bring The New Dawn EP
SBDark002: TV Victor - Der Kern / Das Fukushima Konzert
SBDocu001 Christian Fiesel - Strassen Der Vergangenheit
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TV Victor - Der Kern / Das Fukushima Konzert
01. Der Kern Teil 1 - 21:39 min.
02. Der Kern Teil 2 - 15:26
03. Der Kern Teil 3 - 10:52
04. Der Kern Epilog - 13:29
Artist: TV Victor
Title: Der Kern
Catalog#: SBDark003
Label Code: 24806
Format: Album Digital
Label: Separated Beats
Released: 15.05.2015
ISRC: DEHE10700324-27
UPC/EAN: 3614592004321
Total Playtime: 61:34 min.
Genre: Dark Ambient | Ambient | Electronic Music
Bandwebsite: TV Victor
Mastered by Bert Olke @ GL Audio Berlin
Artwork: Udo Heitfeld |

Psychotikum & Somnambule - Bring The New Dawn EP
Artist: Psychotikum & Somnambule
Release: Bring The New Dawn EP
Catalog#: SBDark002
Label Code: 24806
Format: EP Digital
Label: Separated Beats
Released: 13.03.2015
ISRC: DEHE10700231-33
UPC: 3614591152986
Total Playtime: 17:38 min.
Genre: Dark Pop Ambient
Bandwebsite: https://www.facebook.com/psychotikum
Mastered by Bert Olke @ GL Audio Berlin

Psychotikum - Sadhu (link to Separated Beats)
Genre: Dark Ambient / Industrial / Electronic Music / Ambient / Gothic
Artist: Psychotikum
Catalog#: SBDark001
Label Code: 24806
Format: Digital/Double CDR
Label: Separated Beats
Released: 19.09.2013
ISRC: DEHE10700217-29
Total Playtime: 144:44 min.
Genre: Dark Ambient
Bandwebsite: https://soundcloud.com/psychotikum
Mastered by Bert Olke @ GL Audio Berlin
Members: B. Ashra & Sigyn M
Artwork: Marc Olke
Kontakt: psychotikum@separatedbeats.de
Website: www.separatedbeats.de
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link)

Orange – Oya
Catalog#: SBKW005
LC: 24806
Format: CD Digi Pak / Digital
Label: Separated Beats
EAN: 4036067323369
ISRC: DEHE10700290-97
total playtime: 48:18 min
Releasedate: 29.09.2014
Vertrieb: Silenzio (D/CH/Aus)
Bandwebsite: orangevibes.de
Mixed by Umberto Echo & Niko Lai
Coverart: Sandra Trubin
Layout: Ellinor Papp
Mastered by Dieter Piemiskern at Dorian Gray
Label Site: www.separatedbeats.de
email: label@separatedbeats.de |


B. Ashra - Monks
Artist: B. Ashra
CD Titel: Monks
Catalog#: SBKW004
Limited Edition: 500 CDs
LC: 24806
Format: CD
Label: Separated Beats
ISRC: DEHE10700080 - 81
total playtime: 65:20 min
Releasedate: 15.10.2012
Vertrieb: Silenzio Catalog:31532 (D/CH/Aus)
Bandwebsite: b-ashra.de
email: label@separatedbeats.de
Cover by: Ilona Kowalschek
Ambient | World | Meditation | Floating | Ritual Musik | Dark Ambient
1. Monks Part1 43:25 min.
2. Monks Part2 (feat.Travis McMurphy) 21:51 min.
special thanx to Master BamBang Tanuwikarja (Kung Fu Academy Berlin), Travis McMurphy (Monks Part2) and Ilona Kowalschek for artwork.
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link)

Dao Khan - Dao Khan
Band: Dao Khan
CD Titel: Dao Khan
Catalog#: SBKW003
LC: 24806
Format: CD Digi Pak
Label: Separated Beats
ISRC: DEHE10700122-27
total playtime: 60:33 min
Releasedate: 01.07.2012
Vertrieb: Silenzio (D/CH/Aus)
Bandwebsite: wichtelvibes.de
email: label@separatedbeats.de
01 Gana Pata Je 10:28
02 Suma 10:41
03 Wayat 9:31
04 Jama He 11:02
05 Wake Up 4:58
06 Om Namo 13:53
total playtime: 60:33
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link)
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Orange - Ta Tha Ta
CD Digipak
Catalogue No.: SBKW002
LC: 24806
Label: Separated Beats
Bandwebsite: orangevibes.de
Total Runtime: 51:46 min
Release Date: 30.06.2011
EAN: 4 036067 303 187
Vertrieb: silenzio
Mastered: Bert Olke and Niko Lai
1. Die Einweihung 1:31
2. Hu Maan 6:20
3. Panko Babaunka 8:00
4. Bakalin 7:14
5. Weil Der Puls 9:36
6. Ta Tha Ta 10:26
7. Chuwenga 8:30
total: 51:46
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order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |


A Certain Value - Dialectic Mind
Artist: A Certain Value
Title: Dialectic Mind
Format: Digitalrelease
Label: Separated Beats
LC: 24806
Total Playtime: 59.15 min
Releasedate: 03.09.2012
Produced & Mastered: Stefan Langfeld
@diamondtune Tonstudio/Berlin
Artist Website: http://cerval.wordpress.com/acv/
01.Adore 04.12 min
02.Final Battles Verdict 04.50 min
03.Stepper 04.09 min
04.Silben 03.30 min
05.Morgensonne 05.36 min
06.Im Kreis 02.04 min
07.Dialectic Mind 03.44 min
08.Time Passes By 04.54 min
09.Siedler 04.00 min
10.Final Drag 04.48 min
11.Saitensprünge 03.52 min
12.Marguerite 03.49 min
13.Inside 05.02 min
14.The Friend I Could Not Have 04.21 min |

Curious Egg - Curious Eggs
Catalog#: SBKWDIGI002
Label Code: 24806
Format: Digital
Label: Separated Beats
Released: 2011
Playtime: 55.14 min
Bandwebsite: Curious Egg
Genre: Ambient | Jazz | Experimental | Electronic
01 - Furry Elise
02 - Long Distance Conservation
03 - The Great Silence
04 - Shifting Ninths
05 - Drugmazokaaniwah |

B. Ashra & Ricky Deadking - Alchemical Congress
Format: Digital
Catalogue No.: SBKWDIGI001
LC: 24806
Label: Separated Beats
Total Runtime: 78:22 min
Release Date: 29.12.2010 , Remastered: 2010
Genre: Ambient, Electronic Music
Original Titel: 'Live für den Alchemistischen Kongress '98 in Berlin' / CDR Release 2001
Mastered: Bert Olke
1. La Croix 9:59 (Voices by Jens Schlathölter)
2. Owoley 13:39
3. Jump Dad 10:04
4. Ruby 10:27
5. Shaman 12:16
6. Mooley 3:43
7. LFO Part 1 5:05
8. LFO Part 2 14:24
total: 78:22

Orange - Hu
CD Digipak
LC: 16011
Label: Separated Beats
Catalogue No.: SBKW001
Playtime: 52:59 min
Release Date: 01.05.2009
EAN: 4 036067 303 187
Distribution: silenzio
mastered by: Bert Olke
1. Hu Maan 5:27
2. Pankobabaunka 5:32
3. Bakalim 4:41
4. Weil der Puls 4:58
5. Feuerbaum (live) 7:31
6. Soma Naela (live) 10:15
7. Fiesta Siacha (live) 14:34
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Distribution: Ultimae (France / World) |
order direct here by mail or go to our shop (extren link) |
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